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Cicada 3301

Hello. We are looking for highly intelligent Individuals. To find them, we have devised a test.
There is a message hidden in this image.
Find it, and it will lead you on the road to finding us.
We look forward to meeting the few that will make it all the way through.

Good luck


This text was posted on 4chan back in 5th Jan 2012. This puzzle caught the eye of the bloggers, experts and cryptologists. It was called "The Cicada 3301".
Clearly this image was trying to tell us something.


Phase 1:

This image was tested by various methods. Some tried to open it through a WinRAR , some altered the brightness levels in Photoshop and observed the noise patterns…until someone found that opening this image through the Notepad, you'll find this text at the Bottom-most line:-

   CLAVDIVS CAESAR says "lxxt>33m2mqkyv2gsq3q=w]O2ntk"

This seems to be the famous encryption technique - "Caesar's Cipher"

Caesar's Cipher:-

In this Cipher, the sequential alphabets are shifted by a certain number (In this case by 4).
These are the alphabets written in normal sequence:-

And Caesar's Cipher arranges the alphabets as:-

Shifted by 4 letters.
This ways lxxt>33m2mqkyv2gsq3q=w]O2ntk becomes http://i.imgur.com/m9sYK.jpg .

Phase 2:

Visit the URL!!! DUH!!!
By visiting the URL you'll find this image:-

Phase 3:

Cryptographers often use a Software known as out guess to decode certain messages. Let's give it a try. Here's a link to outguess .
Execute the original image using out guess and we get another URL.

"The Screenshot not shown for Security Issues"

Phase 4:

This time we use the Command Prompt. Another URL. Going to the following URL will lead you to a Book Code.

Phase 5:

We now get a Book Code. There are 83 book codes. This book code is divided into 
" page number : word number. "

Phase 6:

Visiting the reddit link we see a page with 188 links. But on the top we see a figure of Morse Code (Lines and Dots). Translating it we get 10 2 14 7 19 6 18 12 7 8 17 0 19 7 14 18 14 19 13 0 1 2 0

Other important field to consider is the Verify note which is basically a PGP key ID. As weird it sounds, it stands for Pretty Good Privacy .

Using a software known as GNU- pg, we can scan anything in Cicada 3301, ruling out the fake ones. On links 121 and 186, we find 2 figures. Again running it through the Out Guess program, we find this particular message:-

Remember the previous key? Convert it to alphabets and we get 2 keys. Using these keys we Go through all the corresponding words, we get this following message:

" Call us at us tele phone numBer two on four three nine oh nine six o "

Calling on this number ,we get this message:

"Very good. You have done well. There are three prime numbers associated with the original final.jpeg image . 3301 is one of them. You will have to find the other two. Multiply all three of these numbers together and add a .com on the end to find the next step. Good Luck . Good Bye!"

The two prime numbers in the original image is basically the dimensions of the image. Multiplying both results together and adding a dot com, we get a count down timer. When this count down was over, there were coordinates of particular locations across the globe. Paris, France, Washington, South Korea and other (in all 14 locations). In all these locations, we find  the barcode. Only two of the messages are true. One of them is a poem by William Gibson named Agrippa. When you follow the above book code on this poem, you get "sq6wmgv2zcsrix6t.onion". A Tor URL. Visit the URL and we get message. The other poem is still unsolved.

The last update was a Python Code that on executing will take trillions of years.

Anyways, Cicada 3301 is not yet fully solved. People who are behind this Brilliant Puzzle are assumed to be from another Timeline. Some of the people also claim this puzzle generated by an AI. Remember in our previous article we had a look at the Mariana's Web,the deepest place in an internet... We also talked about the existence of a female Artificial Intelligence. This AI is assumed to control the whole internet. It is also claimed to have generated this Amusing Puzzle. 
Another Theory states this puzzle to be an entrance test for MI-7. Anyways, this was the story of the Most Mysterious Puzzle of the Internet. I hope you liked it. If you have any queries or comments you wish to share with me, please feel free. Your comments is the only inspiration that helps me bring such articles to you guys.
Thanks for Reading!

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Akshat Bajpai

Tor Browsing

As Promised earlier, I bring to you the one stop to install and use Tor Browser full MI-7 mode. In our previous article, we already saw that Tor browser helps us navigate through the Deep Web. This means that this browser is capable of surfing the websites that even Google Search engine cannot find. It can also surf the regular Surface websites.
Google , Edge , Safari etc. do have a secured incognito mode that makes the connection secured but it is nowhere close to the security provided by Tor. This is because Tor works on the 'Onion Routing Protocol'. This was a brief introduction to Tor Browsing. For explore the wonders of Tor/Deep Web please check out our previous article on "The Deep Web".

Without boring you with the theory, let's play with the Tor.

Step 1:Installing the Tor

Please click on your operating system to download the setup file:-

Step 2:Setup

  • Run the Setup:-

  • Choose your Language:-

  • Allocate the location:-

  • Finish and Run:-

  • Initialize the Browser:-

  • Initialization;-

    • Welcome to the portal to Deep Web.

    Step 3: The MI-7 Mode

    • Set the Security level to High. Although the speed decreases, the connection becomes highly secured.

    • Ensure that all the websites have a https infront of them. You might have heard about HTTP.  "https" is a secured hyper text transfer protocol.

    • Do not allow the Scripts (Forbidding Scripts e.g. JAVAScript) :-

    • Go to Securities through the 3 lines on the right-top corner.

    • Now go to Advanced Settings and Disable the Browser Health Report checkbox.

    • Now the last tip. Always ensure that your Tor Browser isn't maximized. This would help the crackers to know your Screen Size(which in some ways is not good) .
    Exploring the Deep web is really an exciting thing to do. Google works fine in Tor Browser as well but it still won't help us with the deep websites. Therefore we have DuckDuckGo and Dissconnected.
    Also we have a whole Deep Wikipedia too- thehiddenwiki.org 
    You can also refer to Youtube channels such as - Takedownman , M.D.W. Daniel Pacheco , MDW2 etc.
    Now that you have sufficient information to begin with, start exploring the DEEP and DARK WEB.
    Thank you for reading. Do feel free to comment and ask any questions. 
    Till then Keep Digging!

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    Akshat Bajpai

    The Deep Web

    In our previous article we discussed about DNS (Domain Name system).
    We came to know about the different servers that maintained the database of all the Domain names with their corresponding IP Addresses, making it easier to approach the websites. We further came across a whole another set of domains - .onion. These websites are known as "The Deep Net Websites". People often misinterpret Deep Web with the Dark Web. But these two are two different Entities.
    Well now that I have struggled my way through the Introduction part, let's dig into the Mystic Realms of The Deep Web.

    A Bit of a History:

    Tor was the basic foundation of the Deep Web. It was developed somewhere near 2002 by the US Naval Research Laboratory. It followed The Onion Routing protocol which was created earlier in the mid 1990's. Everything was going great till 2009 until Satoshi Nakamoto created the Bitcoins .
    Satoshi Nakatomo

    Bitcoins are a type of online currency having a worth of 2456.00 US Dollars (per unit bitcoin). Now people had a way to pay for certain services without being traced. Then in 2011, came the 'Amazon of Crime' -  Silk Road (In reference to the historically important international trade route between China and Mediterranean ). Here people could buy all illegal stuff like Drugs, Weapons, Human organs and the list of creepiness and insanity goes on and on.
    All in one place - http :// silkroad6ownowfk.onion (Don't bother going through this URL , It's closed now)

    Why .onion ???

    Well, as an Onion has many layers, which you have to peel off to get to the core of it... To access the deep web, you have to go through a series of layers first.
    The Onion Routing Protocol

    Variety of Browsers:

    We cannot access these Deep Websites using our regular browser. We need a highly secure browser that would allow us to surf Anonymously. There are a variety of web browsers but Tor and I2P are used widely. First let us take a look at Tor Browsing.


    Tor is a browser that was created by the Tor Browsing organization in 2000. It lets us go full anon and takes us to the great depths of Deep and Dark Web.
    Basically, our message goes through a series of Routers(as it normally does in the Standard Protocols). The routers mask the IP Address of the sender with Multiple Layers. This means that the IP Address of the sender is changed on every hop ,making it almost impossible to track us . Now I know some of you might think of this as a very obvious thing- "Of coarse, the IP Address of the packet that carries message through a Network would change with every hop...then what's the big idea here??? "
    The changed IP Address would show large variations. On Tracing the Packet that carries the message, we will find that once the source IP Address of the packet is from Singapore, on next hop Russia ,later United States then China and so on...

    This way it is almost impossible to find the source address of the message.
    It is not all the way bad though. It can surf regular surface websites too.


    The Invisible Internet Project. It is similar to the Tor but it is primarily used for messaging purpose. It can also surf the dark web. Dark web are the part of internet that has series of websites specialized for illegit activities.

    The Levels of Deepness:

    The Deep web is only one of the 5 levels of internet.

    Level 1:

    The top most layer with no as such "protection" is comprised of the local Social Networking Websites, the Search Engines etc.
    " Yeah! You're at level 1 dude!!! "

    Level 2:

    The Bergie Web. The websites that are a little hard to find but can be spotted by a search engine.
    For instance: utorrent, piratebay, all pop ups etc.

    Level 3:

    The Deep Web. The websites in this region cannot be listed under any normal search engine. There is however a search engine known as Duckduckgo .

    Level 4:

    The Dark Web. The place for all nasty illegit stuffs. Hier a hitman, buy dolls with real human organs, pedophilic websites, torture dungeons and other god forsaken things.

    Level 5:

    The Marianas Web. It is the Deepest place in the whole internet. Here lies the deepest secrets of the world such as : the coordinates of Atlantis, the holy grail and also a female AI, that controls the whole internet. Which is basically a concept of Quantum Computers(which are not invented yet)...

    Now some of you might be curious and would want to visit the Deep/Dark Web. Don't let your curiosity kill you... One has to be very careful while surfing in the deep web. There are however many tutorials to visit the Deep web. I'll be coming up with a secure one soon. Till then keep Exploring...

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    Akshat Bajpai

    Protocols of Transport Layer


    UDP is a transport layer protocol which basically ensures fast speed but compromises with the Reliability. When I say reliability, I mean that it enables noise to enter and sends the data including the bugs at the fastest rate possible.
    Now I know that you might be thinking: "Hey! What is the whole point of transmitting a bugged data at high speed???"
    Well here's a scenario Mr. "Smarty Pants",
    Consider you're talking to your mommy…"Why mommy? I could also talk to my girlfriend or boyfriend?", you ask ... Well that’s because you probably don't have a girlfriend or a boyfriend and therefore you're reading this blog-"NERD!".
    Anyways while talking on a phone we don’t need any reliability check. Of coarse I don’t mean completely unreliable service:-

    You: " Hello… "
    Mommy: " Hey! Where are you? When are you coming for dinner …"
    You: " I am at …. Don't …. Can I bring …. too"
    Mommy: " Wait! I'm getting a lot of disturbances. Let me call you back."

    Your Mommy calls you again and everything goes well…..

    If there is some disturbance in the call, you can always ask the speaker to repeat his/her sentences.
    So How does UDP ensures speed?
    Well You probably should know that in either of the network models that we follow currently, the UDP or TCP being a transport layer protocol, adds a header to each segments while transporting it to the receiver's host, which later on is "stripped" off by it’s peer node(At Receiver's end ). "Hehehe, stripped!" . Anyways this header is added to the data segment. Hence it’s own memory size increases the size of the data segment itself. By reducing this memory size of this header and setting it to a minimum, we are basically increasing the speed of the data transmission.
    The header's format looks like this: - 

     Here Length is the total length of a packet including the Header size.
    Checksum is a method to check if there is some error in the segment. Basically it is an algorithm that (in a way)compares the data in segment at both ends(Sender and Receiver).
    Now, This is what a UDP Header looks like :                        

    These 16 bytes are broken down into 4 bytes for 4 different sections each belonging to the header.
    AB01: SRC Port No.(Of coarse in hexadecimal) OR 43777(in decimal number system)
    8101: DST Port No.(again in hexadecimal) OR 33025
    9971:Length of the data 39281)
    0013:Checksum (19)

    So the total size of the whole segment is: 33025 bytes - 8 bytes =33017 bytes of total data.


    Checksum in this protocol is optional as it does not emphasizes security or reliability.
    Checksum could be like the following depicted as follows:-
    Step1:-Each Symbol is converted to it's binary. Summation of all these binaries are taken.
    Step2:-Then the 1's complement of the no. is sent to the receiver.
    Step3:-When the receiver receives all the data, he takes sum of all the binaries of each symbols.
    Step4:-Then he adds his data with the number sent by the sender.
    Step5:-If he gets All 0's,the data received is correct. Otherwise it is wrong.

    Remember this is just an example to give you a brief idea of the Checksum Process. The actual algorithms may be far more complex.
    So this was the User Datagram Protocol - fast but unreliable.

    But there are certain cases where we cannot compromise with the Data's quality. This is when TCP comes into role.

    Transmission Control Protocol:

    TCP ensures Reliable data to be transmitted irrespective of the time it takes.(This doesn't mean that to make a call perfectly you have to wait for a whole day…DUH!)
    In UDP, the header size was made of the possible minimum size. Here we do not compromise and the protocol offers Connection-Oriented services. The TCP Header is comprised of the following fields:-
    1>.SRC port address
    2>.DST port address
    3>.Sequence No.
    4>.Acknowledgement No.
    5>.A Flag that contains subsections.

    The fields 1,2,7 and 8 are now quiet familiar to you. So, let's talk about Sequence no.

    Sequence Number :-

    A Sequence no. is a no. that is assigned to each packet that is being sent to the receiver. This Sequence no. is between the range : 0 to 2^32 -1.
    Why up to 2^32 -1 you ask… this is because 32 bits are assigned for each sequence no. and the total no. of permutations that can be made if we enter these nos. in binary(0's or 1's) are 2^32 . If we start from 0 up to 2^32 numbers ,we get (2^32 )-1.
    But why only 32 bits for a sequence no. you ask… Well this is because for a data to be sent, surplus amount of segments would be required. These segments depend upon the length of the data. But the data being highly flexible from person to person, we had to assign a number that could be of larger range so as to satisfy the total data length. But not so large as to waste the memory. Apart from this only the designer can answer you this question cause I know nothing more than this.(There I said it!!! You feel better now???)
    So now that we have given a sequence or serial no. to each segment we can move on to the next field of the header.

     Acknowledgement no:-

    This field is basically for the receiver. But since the connection is Full Duplex, gradually all the parties involved in the transmission acts as a Sender or Receiver at some point. When a receiver gets all the segments up to a certain sequence number, the next sequence number he/she is expecting is known as the Acknowledgment number. For example :if the receiver receives up to sequence no. 1800, he/she sends 1801 as the acknowledgement number notifying that I have successfully received segments up to sequence number 1800 and I am now expecting 1801.

    So basically Acknowledgment no. is 1 plus the sequence number received last.

    The Flag:- 

    It contains the following flags: URG,PSH,RST,SYN,FIN

    1>. URG: Urgent

    This flag is set to 1 if the message to be sent is urgent and remains 0 rest of the times.

    2>. SYN: Synchronization. 

    This is a 1 bit number.(Either 0 or 1). It is set to 1 if the connection between sender and receiver is established for the first time. Rest of the times it is 0.

    3>. PSH: 

    There are times when the sender even after sending the segments does not receive any acknowledgement number. Non-receival of any data may result in a Session Timeout. To prevent this the sender pushes one segment without any request from the receiver. If the reply to that push request comes then the receiver is assumed to be online but engaged for some reasons. Incase no reply is received, the sender waits for the receiver until timeout.

    4>. RST:

     Reset. When the connection is required to be refreshed for some reasons.

    5>. FIN: 

    Finish. Used at the time of connection termination.

    How does TCP maintain Reliability:-

    TCP uses a circular Buffer on both sending and receiving Hosts. These Buffers transport the packets one by one. As soon as a buffer gets a "package received " confirmation message, that package is removed from the buffer. Assume that Sender's buffer carries a packet with sequence number 1000. The sender's buffer transports the packet to the receiver's buffer. It still keeps the copy of the sent packet(1000). As soon as it gets an Acknowledgement no. 1001, it removes the packet 1000 and sends the packet with sequence number 1001 to the receiver. This Acknowledgement number is basically a confirmation message.

    This was a great way to keep the track of undelivered packets. However, The buffer's size was limitation. The number of Packets that could be sent were now limited. Even if Google(Server) has a large Buffer size, our PC's(Clients) don't. This is why the concept of Window size was made.

    Window Size:

    In this concept, we measure the number of packets that could be sent or received by both Server and Client. Then we set the Window size to the minimum of the two(Client or Server). All throughout the connection, the number of packets sent and received by either sides cannot exceed Window size. This information was sent every time with the Acknowledgement number.
    Well, this was just a mere introduction to TCP and UDP. There are various versions of TCP that are implemented these days- Tahoe, Reno, New-Reno and many more.

    Untill now, we dealt with a lot of Theory. In our upcoming articles, we'll practically try to implement some real networks (Virtually real) . We'll be using a well known Network simulator known as the " Cisco Packet Tracer ". Also we'll be starting with shell programming and Unix .
    Please let me know if you have any doubts . Do share this post and comment below.
    Till then, keep exploring…..

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    Akshat Bajpai

     In our previous article, we looked into The Domain Name System (DNS) . We found that "www.google.com" actually doesn’t exist !!! What exists is the IP address. For making it easier for humans to communicate with different web servers, we established a Domain name system. These DNS servers convert the web address that we enter in our browsers with it’s corresponding IP address. This means that whenever we type the address - "google.com", our browsers does’t directly send the request to google’s server. It first sends the request to the nearby DNS server and gets the IP address of "google.com" to which our browser sends the request. This is just a glimpse of DNS . For reading a whole article on DNS - click here.

    One of my favorite TV Shows-Mr.Robot

    To a hacker,you're just an IP Address. You get hit because you let yourself be an easy mark. It takes just an IP to know everything about you (Metasploit). It's always fun to pick on the nerd...until he has your IP.

    So, this is what an IP address looks like...
    “ "
     >. An IP address is basically a combination of 4 numbers (These numbers can be represented in 4 Bytes). 
     >. Each number is of maximum 3 digits lying in the range from 0 - 255. Basically a binary number of 8 bits at most (from 00000000 to 11111111).
     >.Every number is separated by a decimal point “ . “ .
     >.Every IP address is comprised of 2 addresses - “The Network Address” and “The Host Address”. The Network address of a device implies the network it is connected to. The Host address defines signifies the device itself.

    Classification of IP Address: 
    We now know that the IP Address starts lies between : and On the Basis of the first number (first 4 Bytes) , the IP address is classified into 5 Classes. 

    Class A: 

    It’s first number lies between 0 and 127 (128 numbers). Therefore the following address can be considered as a Class “A” IP address:
    “ “
    As we discussed earlier, that the IP address is comprised of a Network and a Host ID. For Class A , the network ID is Basically alloted to the first number only (first 8 bits out of 32). Rest of the bits are for Hosts.
    Therefore the Network ID of the IP address(mentioned above) is “ “. 
    To calculate the Network ID from a given IP address, just put all host bits ‘ 0 ‘ .
    The Subnet mask of Class A IP address is . What’s a subnet mask? We’ll look into it in a minute.

    Class B:

    An IP Address of Class B has it’s first number from the range 128 to 191. This is an example of Class B IP Address:-
    " "
    The first 2 numbers are for the Hosts. Ergo, The Network ID is (Host bits '0').  
    The Subnet mask for this class address is .

    Class C:

    First 3 numbers dedicated to the Network with the first number in the range of 192 to 233. The Subnet Mask is .

    Eg:-  " ".
    N/W ID:-

    Class D and E are a bit different from the previous classes. Class D is used for a one to many relation i.e. Multi-casting purposes. Class E is used for one to one connection i.e. Uni-casting. Both of these aren't for a particular Host. Therefore there is no need of segmentation of the IP into Network and Hosts.

    Purpose of Subnet Mask :

    If you take a closure look at the various class IPv4 addresses and their corresponding Network Addresses, you'll find a connection between them. All the Host bits are zero. Just by looking at the IPv4 ID can we compute the Network ID (This is only possible in Classful IP Addresses). This is how it's done:-

    Taking an example of the following IP address : " " We know , by looking at the first number that this address belongs to Class C. Therefore we know that it's subnet mask is : .

    By performing a bit wise logical AND operation, we get the following result- This is nothing but the Network ID.

    Problem with IPv4 Classful protocol:-
    This protocol was a great way to assign an identification to anyone who wanted a Network. This Authority of assigning IP's to various organizations was given to The "Internet Assigned Numbers Authority" (IANA). As soon as this protocol was accessible to the world, the Numbers filled drastically… There was scarcity of Address to assign. This was due to Excessive demands and also due to the wastage of non-utilized IP's . Let's understand the source of the wastage:
    Consider a small organization, which requires 10 Computers for itself. It gives a request to IANA and gets an IP address : . Since we know that this is a Class C address. It’s maximum number of Hosts would be 255 . But since this particular organization would not have more than 10 PC's , 245 locations would go unutilized. Wastage!

    So, to overcome this problem, we could either increase the number of bytes (IPv6) or Manipulate the Subnet Mask(Subnetting) .

    Anyways, there are some IP Addresses that cannot be assigned to any of the organizations. Here they are:-
    • IP address represents the local host. The system itself. From Every computer's point of view, it is the address that points to itself.
    • All Host Bits Zero- An address like or or is invalid. As we saw above that this represents the Network ID.
    • All Host Bits One- This is known as the Broadcast Address. If in an address, a same request/message is to be sent to all the connected Hosts, we use the Broadcast Address. Hence, an address like cannot be used.

    Therefore if A company/organization wants to setup 5 Hosts in it's Network, 2 extra addresses are going to be required for Network and Broadcast Purpose. That means 7 total Addresses.
    There are also some private IP Addresses for each classes. These IP addresses didn't need any registrations to IANA. Thus, any organization can use it for free. These are the private IP addresses:-

    This is why most of you must have seen the IP addresses starting from 192.168 very often.


    Till now we found that for each classes we had a fixed Subnet mask that could tell us the number of Networks and host that can be found in that Class. This was (as we saw above) a limitation. Therefore, We removed the concept of Classes. This was done by manipulating the Subnet Mask. In Short, no Classes, no fixed Subnet masks.
    This was the idea: Taking the same example as before, if an organization asks for 2 PC's to Host. We would require to provide the Subnet mask which allots 4 places for the organization (2 for Hosts and 2 Reserved) .We provide an IP address: " ". But now we alter the Subnet Mask from to
    Let us now check the Network ID and the requirements.

    11000000 . 10101000 . 00010000 . 00000100    (Binary for
          11111111 . 11111111 . 11111111 . 11111100   (Binary for
    11000000 . 10101000 . 00010000 . 00000100   (Binary for
    N/W ID- " "

    This means the first computer in this very network would be , , , (All of these with same N/W ID- As soon as we try and add another PC into this network and assign the IP address, The Network would be changed. Hence, not valid. Don't believe me? Let's try it out:-

    11000000 . 10101000 . 00010000 . 00001000    (Binary for
          11111111 . 11111111 . 11111111 . 11111100   (Binary for
    11000000 . 10101000 . 00010000 . 00001000   (Binary for
    N/W ID- " "(Different Network).

    Also, We reduced the Vacancies. But this still does not mean that we are able to decrease the vacancies by 100%. Therefore a new IP protocol was established. Hence, IPv5 was made. But that didn't work and was rejected. Finally we gave birth to IPv6 Addressing. I'll be dedicating another article for IPv6. But just to give a brief idea… IPv6 had more than 4 bytes. Also each byte was separated by a colon ( " : "). The digits entered was Hexadecimal number of 16 bits. Anyways, This was all about IPv4. I hope you got some idea about what an IP is and how does it work…
    If you want to check your own IP:-
    1. Goto Run.
    2. Type cmd and hit enter.
    3. type " ipconfig ".

    I know this concept is a bit tricky. I had a hard time understanding it myself. But it's one of the most Fascinating topics I've ever come across. Need less to say, the inventors of IP Address (Robert Elliot "Bob" Kahn and Vint Cerf) were the "real genius". They made it possible for us to communicate through such long Distances. There is still more to IP. But just so I don't make this article too length, we'll look at it in our upcoming articles. 
    I hope this helped. Thanks for reading !!! If you have any sorts of doubts, or want me to send a more detailed explanation of the Internet Protocol addressing to your email, please feel free to let me know .
    Till then, Keep Exploring !!!

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    Akshat Bajpai